Follow the Clues …

In this week’s lesson about Isaiah the Prophet, we get to step back in time to view salvation history from way back when no one knew how things were going to play out.  Everyone in Israel trusted in God’s promise to send a Messiah, but no one could even begin to imagine the details!  Every now and again, God knew His people would need reminders and encouragement, so he sent prophets like Isaiah to give clues.

Of  course, we know how the Story (at least to this point) turns out, but isn’t it fantastic to study the details?  I absolutely LOVE lessons like this because they are reminders of the intricacy and enormity of God’s plan!  Centuries before Christ was conceived, God had already worked out the myriad of details that would make it possible.

Take a few minutes in your prayer time this week to thank God for His perfect plan and for the love that compelled Him to send Christ, our perfect savior!

One comment

  1. The children really had fun with this one (ages 6 up to 11). They all understand that the two books of the bible go together and are interrelated. What a wonderful lesson this was for our family!

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